Monday, June 17, 2013

{Summer Time Bucket List}

I love me a bucket list...being the type A person that I am. I love marking things off and having goals in mind. It also helps me to see that we've actually done fun things...does anyone feel me on that one? 

So when I saw this precious bucket list on Pinterest...I knew I needed to get this thing started!

I wanted to change some of the things on the bucket list, so I did a little editing, and thought I'd share the process! 

How To Nest For Less has graciously offered this printable for free, but this is a little tutorial of how to edit this printable without using Photoshop to make it more applicable for your family!

Here is what The Wendel's Summer Bucket List looks like! 

To get started, go to this link and right click on the Summer Bucket List picture. Then go to save as, and save it somewhere on your computer {I typically save it in my pictures}

Then go to the picture, right click, and open with Paint...

You should now see something like this...

Now all you need to do is carefully erase the items you wish to eliminate by clicking on the eraser in the top blue part and erasing away! 

Then you'll have something like this! 

Then you'll just need to add the writing by clicking on the "A" and picking a font. I have TONS of fonts downloaded to my are some of my favorite places to get free fonts! 

And there you have it! Now you can edit away! I use this technique for editing party printables or invitations or teaching tools! 

Happy Monday!! 

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