Tuesday, June 2, 2015

{Thirty-Nine and Forty Weeks}

Even though our little man is here, I still wanted to document this last week of being pregnant. To be honest, this picture was taken the day that I went into labor...so really I was super close to 40 weeks....but close enough, right?

Weight Gain...They didn't weigh me at the hospital, so I have no clue what my final weight gain ended up being but I think it was near the 35-40 pound mark. I seriously cannot wait to start working out again, but I'm not worrying too much about my diet because I'm struggling to eat enough to keep this little man fed! 

Cravings...I wasn't really craving anything that last week...craving a baby out of my belly and the ability to lay on my back again! 

Wedding Rings...So very off and I still can't get them on again. My knuckles are just too big...so seriously praying that goes down or I'll have to get it re-sized...dun dun dun. 

Swelling...Oh my gracious..all of the things were swollen! Legs, ankles, feet, face, hands...yuck! 

Belly Button...It finally started to pop out a tiny bit. I didn't even really notice it until I was walking about the hospital having contractions. 

Sleeping Situation...Terrible. Three hours at a time...maybe.

Overall Feeling...Large and in charge and ready to pop this baby out!


Excited About...Meeting the little man!

Anxious About...When this is all happening.

Most Exciting Thing This Week...Maybe meeting the little man this week!

Current House Project...Planting some flowers in pots and deep cleaning.

And just because...here's a forty week pregnant picture...with the little man.

Lelia still puffy and super sleepy but so so happy!

And there you have it! Forty weeks of pregnancy documented! Let the baby snuggles begin!

And just because...we're THOSE parents...hand motions were all him...he's pretty awesome.