The long awaited Gender Reveal Party post is here!
Only like two months late ...
Let's just go ahead and begin with what ya'll really want to see...the video!
Okay so now for all of the juicy details!
I really didn't want to find out in front of everyone at the party. I know myself, and my emotions, and knew that I would need some time to totally soak it all in.
I also didn't want to find out at the ultrasound room because it just felt strange to be to find out in a doctors office...very clinical.
Little did we know that the ultrasound place we went to was literally like a spa! It was amazing! I walked into the room and asked the guy if he was about to give me a massage...that's how amazing and luxurious this place was.
Wendel and I went to the ultrasound place the Friday before our shower. We were going to open it up that night, but we were going to see a play with Wendel's whole family and were afraid we'd let it slip. The next morning we were doing breakfast with Santa with my family, so we decided we'd wait until after breakfast to open that sucker up!
I'll admit was HARD not to open that envelope.
So hard!
But we did...and boy was it shocking...hehe boy...
EVERYONE was telling us that it was going to be a girl.
Some very prophetic people from our church were telling us girl.
Both of our families started with a girl.
I'm SUCH a girly girl.
Alex NEEDS to father a girl.
But low and behold...God gave us a a boy we will have.
I'll be honest...I cried for about an hour and then crashed for a few hours.
I wasn't sad...I wasn't disappointed...I wasn't mad.
I just had to re-envision what our life was going to look like.
I TRULY thought we were in for lots of princesses and bows.
I really thought we were in for a life of only girls...I never saw myself parenting a boy.
I KNOW girls. I can do girls. Girls don't scare me.
Boys flippin' terrify me...well not really...but we're just so used to girls in our family.
But you know what...I'll figure it out!
We'll figure it out...together!
So there's a little story that goes along with the picture has to do with the blue note.
Alex's mom is a bit of a "pre-see-er"
Is that a thing?
Alex would call her from Samford {during college} and ask her where his shoes were, and she would know, from Cincinnati, where his shoes were.
So one day she told us, "I know what your baby is...I wrote it on a piece of paper, dated it, and sealed it in an envelope"
Well...we opened it right after we opened our envelope and sure enough...she was right!
Now he' was a 50/50 chance, but with her history, we took it as a sign.
Here was the invitation we sent out to our 42 guests...yes...42. We have a lot of people in our life!
Too cute, right?
We obviously went with a gingerbread boy/girl theme and stuck with reds and greens.
We did soup, sandwiches, and a hot cocoa bar.
I printed off the hot chocolate bar printables from
here and
I did some of the old wives tales...I was split right down the middle!
If you're curious, here they are:
Is the baby's heart rate above or below 140: Above
Are you craving sweet or salty: Salty
Have you been happy or moody: Happy
Is your skin soft or dry: Soft
Have you been having head aches: Yes
Are you carrying high or low: Low
Have you been graceful or clumsy: Clumsy
Do you sleep on your right or left: Left
Are you having blemishes or beauty: Blemishes
Did you have morning sickness: No
I got this cute little gingerbread boy and girl craft set from Michael's for the kiddos to play with since we were having quite a few kids at the party. I think he adults played with these more than the children.
We also let everyone guess the baby's name. The girl's name started with an 'L' and the boys name started with an 'A' and people made guesses. They were pretty hilarious.
We got Apocolips, Abraham, Lucy, Lily...and someone actually got it right!
As you probably saw from the video, this is how we actually let people know!
I found inexpensive white bracelet boxes off of amazon, and wrapped all of them up in cute red and green Christmas paper.
ONE of them had a little note that said "It's A Boy" and the rest were empty.
Everyone got a little present, and one by one they opened them.
I was worried either the first person would have it or it would take like two hours to find out.
Wendel's dad ended up having it {which was NOT planned...we didn't know which one it was either} so that was pretty perfect!
It was a labor of love wrapping all of those suckers...but we did it...and I'm so happy with how it all turned out!
And there you have it folks...the exciting gender reveal party!
Woo hoo!