Wednesday, December 24, 2014

{Merry Christmas 2014}

Merry Christmas Dear Friends! 

Sorry for the goal is to get back into my normal two to three times a week rhythm after New Years! 

Now that Wendel has finished his masters {woo hoo} it's time to finish house projects before the little man makes his appearance this spring! 

So I'll have lots of house updates, pregnancy updates, and a few more personal posts I've been working on about infertility and how that season changed and molded us into who we are today! 

In the mean time, we're soaking up the holiday spirit, and enjoying every second of this magical time! 

Merry Christmas...and a Happy New Year! 

Sunday, December 14, 2014

{It's A Boy!}

Hey Friends! 

So sorry I'm late on posting this!

Most of you probably know but...

We're having a boy! 

We're still pretty in shock! 

We were 100% positive Little Bit was a girl, so we're having to re-envision our little lives now. 

I'm preparing my heart for lots of sports, wrestling, super heros, and legos! 

We're excited to raise a respectful and joyful little boy who will turn into a man of  honor. 

Austen've already surprised and shocked us. 

We're excited to see your face and watch you transform us into the people He meant for us to be...


I'm working on a little video from the gender reveal party, so be looking for that this week!