Who's ready for an over 25 picture update all about the progress of our basement?
Oh you do?
Well great...because it's about to get real!
Okay, first off...I have the HARDEST time getting quality pictures of the inside of our house! It's the most frustrating thing!
But anyhoo...here's the best I could do for right now!
The basement has come a long way! We'll eventually do a before/after post, but for now you can check out some of the progress from the beginning of our renovation
This is what we are looking like as of yesterday!
If you're curious about links to things from the basement, I'm going to be working on a big mama resource link post so be on the lookout for that soon!
Those tiles were just displayed there so family could see this weekend...FYI.
We'll give you more details on our bar makeover on Friday!
We built this simple little ladder {in about three hours from start to finish} to hang blankets using
this tutorial.
Here's a different angle which shows me how much I need to iron out those dang slipcovers!
The door on the left is to the bathroom, and the sliding doors goes out to our sun-room that is under DIY "construction" as we speak!
This rug is one of my favorite parts of the basement! It was a Home Goods find that we scored for $150! It really adds that pop that every room needs!
Wendel did such an amazing job building
these frustrating shelves that were
much more difficult than we anticipated. We still need to add molding to the front and left sides of the shelves, but I'm thrilled with them!
This is a good shot of how rough the front of these are...some simple molding will fix that right up!

I got this piece of art work called "
Things That Are Awesome" for Christmas from Wendel and I am
obsessed! Sometimes I just sit and look through all of the pictures...so so fun!
We have a big piece of art work planned to cover the electrical box that involves a breathtaking picture of our favorite city! You can actually get a sneak peek at the picture because it's sitting on the top of the cabinets on the other side of the fireplace!
And here's the basement bedroom AKA the "holding" room as of this moment.
The love seat is actually my sister's that will be gone soon because we have a bed going down there in the near future...like if we ever get pregnant...ever...jeze! Or if we have a guest coming to stay with us...whichever comes first :)
The chevron rug is for the sunroom, the table to the left is our old coffee table from upstairs that I have a big project planned for, and that wooden pole...well...
That's a soon-to-be tee-pee for the sunroom! I can't even tell you how excited I am for this! I'm working with my mom on this project, but I'll tell you...the kiddos are already excited about it and have been playing under it already!
Oh and yes...we have a lot of art work! They will find homes soon I'm sure!
This corner is filled with pillows that I've collected. When I find a pillow for under $10 a grab it knowing I'll find a cover for it sometime! These will soon be wrapped in gorgeous pillow covers from
Castaway Cove Decor for the basement couch and sun-room daybed! They're being made as I type...hopefully!
Here's a little sneak peek at the sun-room! We have our tile all ready to be laid, but first we have to work on that ceiling...you may see some of the remnants on the floor :)
The bathroom also got a new little storage vanity from Target {scored it on sale this weekend for under $100!}
The chalkboard is actually an antique that was in my bedroom growing up!
We need some major "love" in this area!
We already have a mirror to put up, and we also need a light fixture, and some art work as well! And an outlet cover too....a simple day project that will make a HUGE impact in this room!
The wall behind the toilet will eventually be all covered in pretty stained wood...eventually!
We have plans to build a bar height table that will be about 12-15 inches deep for people to sit and eat at, or to hold appetizers for parties.
We are trying to be super intentional about every single space in this basement, and it's helping us to get super creative in the process!
We're also looking for a low sofa table for behind the couch...easier said than done!
We have plans for a magnetic, chalk board on this wall for the kids to draw on!
The chest is not holding a body...don't worry! It's holding the giant Jenga set Wendel's parents made for his birthday which turned into a massive building set for the kids this weekend! Dual purposes...we love that!
So wow...are you overhwlemed?
I'll be honest, our heart is so full! We've saved up and spent so many hours{and hard earned moola} in this basement and it felt incredible to lay downstairs this weekend and enjoy our hard work.
Yes we have more projects and plans...but that's just us! We love DIYing and feel weird if we don't have something going on.
I'm sure it's a way for us to work through our
infertility struggles, but we just figure that one day, the basement will be a blessing to us and our future family...and that makes it all worth it!